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Have you had an opportunity to tune in to our podcast series spotlighting the endeavours of EICBI's #EuropeIndia40 leaders? Each of these podcasts present the exceptional achievements and viewpoints of our EuropeIndia40 leaders who are propelling innovation, cooperation, and impact within the EU India/ UK India corridor

#EuropeIndia40, an annual listing of next-generation leaders in the India-EU/ India- UK corridor, is an initiative of EICBI to discover the Top Under 40 Europe India Leaders. This listing covers the stories of leaders below the age of 40 and their contributions to promoting EU-India / UK-India relations. EuropeIndia40 leaders are those who contribute to their area of work and create an impact in building stronger connections in the India EU / India UK corridor. The first listing of leaders was released in 2019, and then in subsequent years, the list has been released annually.  List of leaders can be viewed HERE 

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