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Executive Commitee
The executive committee, which includes the core team of EICBI and Vice Chairs representing different regions/ sectors/ expertise, is responsible for the smooth functioning of the organisation
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Mr Sujit S.Nair.,MBA, MSc, FRSA
Chairperson - EICBI

Alexander Deblond
Vice Chair - Belgium

Mr Abhishek Tripathi
Vice Chair - Events

Dr Ravishankar Polisetty
Vice Chair - Precision Medicine

Mr Rajeev Nair
Vice Chair - Tourism

Mr B.Lakshmi Kantham IAS (Retd)
Vice Chair - International Trade and Business Alliances

Cllr Aarien-Uday Areti
Vice Chair - Government relations

Ms Shruti Chandra
Vice Chair - Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality

Mr Manjunath Viswakarma
Founder - TaxBell

Mr Astrid Johanssen
Vice Chair - Sweden

Mr Roland Mills
Vice Chair - Lithuania

Mr K C Janardhan
Vice Chair - Karnataka

Mr Stefano Boldorini
Vice Chair - Italy

Ms Cristiana Radu (Meena)
Vice Chair - Romania

Mr Kunal Singla
Vice Chair - Denmark

Mr Ceeka Chandra Shaker
Vice Chair - Telangana

Dr Monomita Nandy
Vice Chair - Research Engagement
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